Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Leadership and Organization Development -

Question: Discuss about the Leadership and Organization Development Characteristics. Answer: This report aimed at investigating if the nature of managerial skills, mindsets and roles of the contemporary managers has changed. While investigating on any changes noticeable in the contemporary managers, it was also good to find out if the changes were beneficial to management as a whole and the institutions involved. As the world changes, new skills, and technology emerge and managers therefore are required to embrace these changes for a smooth running of management and competence Management in the past years has been following a known or a defined trend but with time, its trend has changed to become contemporary meaning that managers have embraced the modern or present day managerial skills. This involves the re-evaluation of the old traditional management practices .Contemporary management entails development of thinking practices and tools that promote more adaptive responses to issues a they emerge in our day to day activities, 2016) (Beata Glinkowska and Boguslaw Kaczmarek. Managers in different fields for instance accounting, electronic commerce, business administration consumer behavior, marketing and technology and innovation management are al a subject of focus in discussing the topic contemporary management in general Change in managerial skills Managerial skills can be defined as the knowledge and the capability of the people in managerial position to accomplish particular managerial activities or duties It was found that, as the world of work evolves, so do the qualities and skills of the managers expected to lead the organization in the contemporary world do. Management work is no longer the same as it used to be and therefore, drastic changes have been witnessed now and then. This implies that the fact that managers were successful in the past does not mean they will be successful in the future. They need to embrace change in their managerial skills. There were five qualities and skills found in the contemporary managers that others in the past did not posses. (Jarratt and Stiles, 2010) The contemporary management model illustrates the removal of obstacle on the paths of the employees in order to enable them succeed. This moves an extra mile fro managing people to engaging and empowering them. It was found out that the traditional kind of management was mainly based on managing and leading by fear and dictatorship. Workers are the ones who use to put effort in work to see that the managers succeed but in the contemporary world, the trend has changed in the managers are the ones required to ensure that their employees succeed. (Caulfield et al., 2001) This does not mean that managers have become It specialist but rather have tried their best to cope up with the new technology as is emerges. By, doing this, it was found out that the modern day managers are in apposition to understand consumers as well as knowing the type of technologies to incorporate in the business and their implications. It was found that the embrace of technology by the managers has given them an excellent understanding of the trends hence adapt to the competitive environment It was found out that the most important aspect that affects management and the performance of he managers is the state f their minds. According to the investigation, managers who perform well have different mindset, a quality that has been found in many contemporary managers change in mindset give the managers confidence in all they do. The following aspects were found to be the indicators. (Levasseur, 2013) Visionary leadership In the past, managers mostly made decisions basing on the existing rigid traditions without any vision unlike today whereby managers have great visions and are committed to see that they achieve these by all means. It was found out that the modern managers are ready time and resources to develop realistic visions and leave to others to achieve them (M. Taylor, J. Cornelius and Colvin, 2014) In the cotemporary world, managers are able to understand, guide and make change happen. Managers of the future will need to have the ability to understand, direct and facilitate change. They will need strategic thinking and an ability to rise above the detail. They will need to not only manage finances and produce technology but also to set up the proper change processes In the present world, roles have been turned upside down depending on the level of their ability to adapt to the changes. Unlike n the past where managers played many roles, Managers today play a role ensuring that they evaluate all structures and culture that hinder the employee from attending the customers. This is contrary to the past because managers were not that much concerned about this. (Eastburn and Sharland, 2017) It was found that the present day managers are highly creative to explore the new emerging markets .Manger have been skilled conceptually as well as being informed and aware of the political environment.They have become single minded with passion and work o ensure that their ideas become true. (Higgs and Hender, 2004) Mindset towards growth Manager always acts as the coach of the team. He or she put everyone in the organization to play a role in ensuring that they succeed. It was found hat to do, this contemporary managers have changed their attitude from rigidity to a growth mindset .Modern managers have been found to be firm in their goals despite the obstacles. This is an aspect that has explained improvement in managerial skills among the managers in todays world. Success is more of mental than physical. If one has the force coming from within, achieving goals become more easier .System theory in relation to management is a theory found suitable to explain the above changes among contemporary managers. According to the theory, personality mastery, mental models, building shared visions, thinking and team learning is the backbone of development of three major learning capabilities; developing reflective conversation, understanding complexity and foster aspiration. System theory also views the firm in as a holistic sy stem with a high degree of integration in the process of value creation In the contemporary would, it seems that the only way through which managers will be able to be at per with the changing and ever evolving world is just to shift from the old traditions and adapt to the culture of present day which is more flexible compared to that one of the past tat was rigid. It was found that when training the managers in the present days, flexibility is emphasized to enable hem o develop ability to handle any emerging issue in the contemporary dynamic world. (Veldsman, 2014) Recommendation The fact that the world is becoming more competitive means that only those managers with high adaptive skills are the ones who will be able to see the organizations survive amidst of all challenges (Bielski, 2014). This therefore leads to a recommendation that in the contemporary world, all the managers should embrace change in terms of; familiarizing with any new emerging technology, have a flexible mindset that is able to address any issue that comes their way .A change in roles of the managers is also vital in the contemporary world in that the managers should be the ones to motivate the workers to make the organization successful. (Tang, Robinson and Harvey, 2011) References Levasseur, R. (2013). People Skills: Developing Soft SkillsA Change Management Perspective. Interfaces,43(6), pp.566-571. Eastburn, R. and Sharland, A. (2017). Risk management and managerial mindset. The Journal of Risk Finance, 18(1), pp.21-47. Chosen Problems of Contemporary Management in Modern Economy. Beata Glinkowska and Boguslaw Kaczmarek Economics World, 4(4). Tang, K., Robinson, D. and Harvey, M. (2011). Sustainability managers or rogue mid?managers?. Management Decision, 49(8), pp.1371-1394. Jarratt, D. and Stiles, D. (2010). How are Methodologies and Tools Framing Managers' Strategizing Practice in Competitive Strategy Development?. British Journal of Management, 21(1), pp.28-43. Veldsman, D. (2014). Organizational Transformation. Change Management: An International Journal, 13(2), pp.9-20. Taylor, C., J. Cornelius, C. and Colvin, K. (2014). Visionary leadership and its relationship to organizational effectiveness. Leadership Organization Development Journal, 35(6), pp.566-583 Caulfield, J., Polse, M., Stren, R. and Polese, M. (2001). The Social Sustainability of Cities: Diversity and the Management of Change. Canadian Public Policy / Analyse de Politiques, 27(3), p.381. Bielski, I. (2014). Evolution of managers opinions on usability of different resources for developing competitive advantages. Management, 18(1). Higgs, M. and Hender, J. (2004). The Characteristics of the Creative Manager. Journal of General Management, 29(4), pp.1-20

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